Pros and Cons of Synthetic Slate Roofing

When you choose a roofing material for your house or any other building, it is worth considering slate as one of your choices. Slate is definitely pretty, but it comes with some disadvantages as well.

Do not be worried, because there is another option in the market that you can choose, which is synthetic slate. Just like any other thing, synthetic slate roofing also has pros and cons. Here they are.

Synthetic slate roofing

The Pros of Synthetic Slate Roof

Save Money

The synthetic slate roof is suitable for those who have a limited budget. It is because this kind of roof is affordable. It is not as expensive as the real one. It is not only the material that is affordable but also the installation. So that you can save some money. The real slate is heavy and quite difficult to install properly.

Synthetic Slate Roof lightweight
Synthetic Slate Roof lightweight

So, you need to hire a professional to install it. However, a synthetic slate roof is more lightweight, so it is easy to install and requires a lower cost.

Environmentally Friendly

The real slate is pulled out from the ground so that it cannot be replaced. On the other hand, there are a lot of synthetic slates which are made from recycled materials. If you really care about the environment, this point is surely a big deal for you.

Easier to Find Help

The number of roofing companies willing to install a slate roof is pretty limited in some areas. Depending on the area where you live, you will probably find it hard to find a contractor who meets the requirements to install a real slate roof. This should not be a problem if you choose the synthetic one.

It is because this product is relatively easy to install. So, there will be many companies and services that are willing to take the job. You need to consider the cost of the rubber slate roof.

The Cons of Synthetic Slate Roof

Questionable Durability

This point does not mean that the synthetic slate roof cannot last for a long time because it might probably be proven to be durable. However, this product has not been on the market for a long time.

So, there is uncertainty about how long the synthetic slate roof will last in a practical application. This kind of roof might be extremely durable, but it has not been proven in the field.

Fire Rating Issues

Unfortunately, some synthetic products in the market do not fulfill the standard of fire rating, including the synthetic slate roof. If you decide to use this kind of roof, make sure you check the fire rating first of the brand you will purchase.

Those are the pros and cons of a synthetic slate roof that can be your consideration. Are you interested in using such a roof?

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Roofing Expert is an experienced author and roofing expert. With years of practical experience in the field authored several informative articles on various aspects of roofing, including installation, maintenance, and repair.