7 Steps of Torch down Roofing You Can Do by Yourself

Torch down roofing is currently chosen by many homeowners and construction experts for its practicality. When you calculate well, the cost for buying the roof along with the installation process also tends to be more economical. Interestingly, it is even possible for common people to install the roof plate by themselves.

Well, it means you can just do it anyway. More importantly, you have to know the right steps of the installation, and remember that roof last based on the materials used. Therefore, the results can just be perfect, just like you are the professional. What are the steps?

torch down roofing

Prepare the Materials and Tools

There are some materials alongside the tools you should prepare before the installation. It is the torch down roof, nails, a hammer, drill, ruler, cutter, bitumen primer, and spark igniter. It is also necessary to wear protective clothes like gloves, boots, and a helmet.

In term of the size of the roof, it depends on your house’s size for sure. If you don’t know well how to measure it well, ask for suggestions from the shop owner or the expert. Mention the home size and the possible roof to use.

Clean the Roof Area

Before the torch down roofing underlayment, it is important to clean the roof area well. It is by using a hard-bristle brush or leaves blower. At least, you must make sure that the big dirt like leaves, twigs, and others are removed well.

In this process, you must be careful as well to avoid an accident. Use a stable ladder to help you climb up and do all the preparations.

torch down roofing underlayment

Remove the Old Roofing

In the case you have installed a sort of roofing before and you only want to replace it with a new one, you must remove it first. Therefore, the new roofing can just be installed properly. It is by removing the nails first using the hammer and then it is continued by removing the old roofing.

Remove the old roofing
Remove the old roofing

This process doesn’t take too long depending on how large the roofing area is. When all the nails have been pulled out, roll the old roofing and then store it in the right place. Sure, if there is no old torch roofing before, your work can just be easier and faster.

Read also: How Many Roofing Nails per Square for Shingles and Underlayment

Underlay the Fiberglass

It is possible for sure to directly lay down the torch roofing. However, it tends to make the torch-down roofing life expectancy is getting shorter. The fiberglass, on the other hand, is functioned to layer the roof before the torch roofing.

It makes the installation is stronger as well as avoid the growth of fungi inside that makes the inner roof can be more easily weathered. Based on some reviews, even the use of fiberglass tends to make the final result looks neater as well. The width of the fiberglass used is not different from the torch-down roofing anyway.

Spray the Bitumen Primer

What is bitumen primer? Bitumen primer is a kind of asphalt, a thick liquid made from hydrocarbon compound. It consists of sulfur, oxygen, and chlorine.

It is functioned to make the layer is attached better but also flexible since the compound indeed has viscoelastic characters. In normal temperatures, bitumen primer is solid but it can be simply melted in a particular heat.

Spray the Bitumen Primer
Spray the Bitumen Primer

The bitumen primer for roofing is quite different from asphalt on the road. It tends to be less thick and more flexible. That’s why; it is possible to remove the torch down later. There is also a special spray to use. While spraying it, you must wear protective clothes and make sure to spray the liquid thoroughly.

Underlay the Torch Roofing

After the bitumen primer has been sprayed, the next step to do is underlying the torch roofing. For a better result, you should be accompanied by someone else particularly to hold the tip of the roofing.

The installation process must still be in the form of a roll and then it is opened slowly until the layer is covering all part of your roof. Use the leave blower you have used to clean up the roof before the make the layer neater. Press it smoothly until you see no part is bubbling.

Underlay the Torch Roofing
Underlay the Torch Roofing

Attach It

torch down roofing tutorial

To make it removable later, you can attach the roof more using nails. However, it is not bad to use a spark igniter to make the process faster. Of course, it is not easy to remove the roofing later for the second type of attachment. The torch-down roofing cost with a spark igniter is lower anyway. So, are you interested in torch-down roofing?

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RoofLast is an experienced author and roofing expert. With years of practical experience in the field authored several informative articles on various aspects of roofing, including installation, maintenance, and repair