Today many materials can be used as roofing, one of which is shingles. What is a roof shingle made of? Shingles are thin planks that are usually made of iron or ironwood. This material is known for its resistance to heat, cold, seawater’s influence, and durability. See the ins and outs of the roof shingle below!
What are Roof Shingles, and What Materials are Roof Shingles Made Of?
A shingle is a variation of a wooden roof usually made of teak and ironwood. The wood material is known for its high resistance to weather changes.

Ironwood and teak wood are also famous for being free from termite attacks and not easily porous, so they are much more durable than other wooden roofs. Usually, buildings that use roof shingles are luxury buildings, such as a king’s palace, museum, or gazebo.
This roof is also very suitable to be installed as a house roof because it is durable and robust against various weathers. The unique design can also make the house look more beautiful and artistic. The technique of installing shingles is quite different from other roofs. If installed correctly, this roof can be solid, safe, and resistant to rain for decades, even earthquake shocks!
Shingles Roofing Advantages
- Roof Shingles are Strong in Facing Various Types of Weather
If you’re wondering what is a roof shingle made of? It is made of wood. Due to the effects of the weather or the sun’s rays, this roof absorbs a lot of heat. Using this roof at home can also make the house cooler without using air conditioning or air conditioning.
- Ethnic and Artistic Shades
This roof is suitable for homemakers who want ethnic and artistic nuances of residence. It is because the roof shingles are usually in the form of a sheet of wood with a pointed tip at the end, making the roof look unique. The roof color varies, such as brown, black, gray, or dark red, making the house look more natural and natural.
- Easier Installation
Ironwood and teak, which are roof shingle materials, have a much lighter weight than other roofs. Its lightweight installation makes installing this roof much more manageable and does not take long.
Shingles Roofing Disadvantages
- The Material is Hard to Find, and the Price is High
This roof is not a product for the masses, so we will find it difficult to find it on the market. The difficulty of getting permits to cut wood is also an additional obstacle. What’s more, the material is not as popular as modern roofs. The small number of these roofs on the market is one of the reasons for the relatively high price.
- The Age Of the Tree Influences the Material’s Quality
Shingles that have good quality are shingles are made of old ironwood trees. Unfortunately, wood from mature trees is quite expensive.
- If the Roof Leaks, It Isn’t Easy to Find the Source
If the roof is seeping or leaking, it will be difficult for us to find the source causing the leak. It is much different from dangerous materials, which quickly find cracks, shards, and other types of damage that cause leaks.
- Needs More Maintenance Compared to Other Roofs
Regular maintenance is needed if you want to install shingles as a housing cover. There are three big enemies that this roof has. The first is lichen, the second is a fungus, and the third is shrinkage. Usually, people with this type of roof will apply a special oil smeared on the top. It will strengthen the condition of the roof.
Now that you have absorbed the information, still wondering what a roof shingle is made of? Is the material suitable for your property? Are they worth it? These all depend on each property condition and also how you maintain the shingles’ roof.