How long does a roof last? Of course, it cannot be simply generalized since there are many types of roof available in the market. The types of the roof are commonly divided based on the materials to form it.
Even in each type of the room, it can still be divided again into some others based on the quality. Well, if you know more about it, here are some types of the roof along with its durability throughout the years. Check them out.
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Wooden Roof
Just like the name, the wooden roof is made from roof added by some other natural materials like straw. The roof is rarely found in modern housing for its durability that tends to be really short. Indeed, there are modified versions of the wooden roof.
But the demands are quite low and they are commonly from people who want to build a kind of unique and traditional house. Sure, if you want to bring out the traditional concept in your home living, this type of roof is still recommended.
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For qualified wooden roof like the roof made from teak, it is quite durable for around 20 years. the older it is, the roof tends to be weathered and the leakage can be found anywhere. Meanwhile, for other types of wooden used, the durability is less than that.
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Clay Roof
Clay Roof actually can still be classified into the traditional roof. However, since they are made in bulks and produced with modern technology, it is still compatible with modern housing well. Moreover, some types of clay roof are designed in a modern and contemporary way, making it good if you expect a modern and minimalist house with this type of roof.
Moreover, it indeed gives you some benefits. The roof tends to make the room more refreshing and not thermal even during summer. Besides, although the moss can be simply grown there, the roof cannot be simply leaked.

Traditionally, you can install the clay roof by creating the structure first. Then, the roof pieces are arranged one by one. In this modern day, there is clay roof that is produced on sheets to make the installation process is easier and faster.

So, how long does a roof last in Florida? In an area like Florida, the clay roof can be last up to 50 years. It is for qualified clay for sure. When the quality is low, the roof is often seen not last up to 30 years anyway.
Ceramic Roof
The concept is really similar to the clay roof. Of course, even the materials to form both types of roof are actually the same; they are clay. But ceramic is slightly better particularly in term of design.
The clay materials are selected well and then pressed using a certain modern tool so that the strength and precision tend to be higher. Moreover, it is manufactured by being heated up in the temperature of around 1000 degrees o Celsius.
It makes the clay is harder and stronger. The price is more expensive for sure.

Compared to the conventional clay roof, the ceramic roof is more durable. It can be used even more than 50 years. Not only is it about the structure that is stronger but also the look that keeps shiny even for some decades. So, if you really want a kind of roof that is really long lasting in both appearance and performance, the ceramic roof is definitely the best answer.
Light Steel Roof
How long does a 30 year roof really last? The answer can be found if you use the light steel roof. Yes, a light steel roof is a kind of roof that is predicted to be last around 30 years.
However, when you choose the more qualified one, the roof can even be used in 40 years. On the other hand, if the light steel is not too qualified, it takes time only around 20 years in your roof area.

Undeniably, the light steel roof is really popular nowadays. Being produced with high technology, the roof is recommended for you who look for a kind of roof that is strong and easy to install at once.
Yes, the roof is commonly in the form of sheet so that it takes a shorter period of time until it completely covers your house. In term of design, it looks smooth and sleek just like the ceramic roof but the price is more affordable.
Bitumen Roof
Bitumen roof is also commonly known as the asphalt roof. But in fact, the roof is not completely made from asphalt. It is combined with other materials including organic fiber, pulp, and others. The use of asphalt here is only functioned to make the roof waterproof.
Yes, based on some research and tests, the bitumen roof successfully shows that there is almost no leakage even after some decades. Interestingly, it is lighter also compared with some other types of roof.
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Similar to the light steel room, the bitumen roof can be long last up to 30-40 years. Again, it depends on the materials’ quality. The more qualified it is, you can find it more durable. Then, how long do architectural shingles last with this type of roof? The fiber and shingles tend to be more durable also. It is the key point why the leakage rarely happens in bitumen roof.
Rubber Roof
Rubber roof is not functioned as the main roof like other materials mentioned above. Yes, the rubber is only used as an outer layer to make sure that there is no leakage during the rainy season. For some types of roof including clay and wooden, the application of the rubber layer is really beneficial.
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Moreover, it tends to be durable and environmentally as well. If there is damage on the roof, the layer can be simply removed and replaced with a new one.In term of durability, it can be long lasting for 30-50 years. It depends on the type of rubber used along with the usage.
Interestingly, the cost to spend is low although the installation process is quite difficult. So, how long does a roof last? It depends on the materials and many other factors for sure.