Flashing is a crucial element used to seal connections on the roof, especially in areas where two roof lines join or where the roof meets vertical structures like chimneys or walls. To prevent leaks, it’s essential to install flashing on the roof ridge and edges.
If you’re looking to install shed roof ridge flashing on a shed roof, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and instructions.
Now, if you have a shed type of roof and want to install the flashing at its ridge, the following instructions on how to install shed roof ridge flashing may help you gain more knowledge about the topic.
How Do You Shed Roof Ridge Flashing
Before installing a flashing shed roof on the ridge area, remember that it’s essential to wear safety gloves and glasses because this project involves sharp sheet metal material.

If you have prepared with your safety measurement, here are the steps of installation:
- Remove the siding’s sections that directly meet with the ridge or top edge of your shed roof. You may use a removal tool if the building has vinyl siding.
- Trim a layer of aluminum flashing with the size similar to the length of your roof ridge, and add one additional inch on every side.
- Bend the aluminum flashing into half. You may perform this more easily and quickly by using a help of a lumber with similar length or longer length of the flashing.
- First, set the flashing against the structure of the adjoined wall. Nail the flashing into studs as secure as possible using galvanized roofing nails.
- Install the flashing underneath the siding of any building wrap.
- After you have secured the flashing against the wall, it’s time to install the building wrap and the siding again. Lay a piece of vinyl flat against the shed roof and trim the excessive siding part.
- There’s no need to nail the flashing on the surface of the shed roof. Make sure that all the flashing width is able to cover the holes of nails in the lash shingles row.
Read also: Step-by-step on How to Insulate a Shed Roof
Depending on the siding type of your house or building, the guide on how to flash a shed roof above may not be applicable. Some materials of vertical sidings, such as vinyl, aluminum, or wood, can make the trimming parts and installing the flashing underneath roof siding far more complicated.
If the building has typical vinyl siding, the guide above can help improve the roof resistance to water. The flashing method ensures no exposed roofing cement or nails – the common culprit of water and moisture entry points to a structure of shed roof.
The installation process of shed roof ridge flashing that’s perfectly resistant to damaging elements is not easy. Not to mention, the ridge or top part is usually the most vulnerable part against water.
Read also: Types of Metal Roof Ridge Vent Closure
The proper installation of shed roof ridge flashing and a ridge cap not only enhances the roof’s resistance to water but also adds to the overall aesthetic appeal of your shed. It’s crucial to ensure that the flashing and ridge cap are aligned correctly to prevent any water infiltration. Regular inspection and maintenance of the ridge flashing and cap can significantly extend the lifespan of your shed roof.